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ZINĀTNISKĀ DARBĪBA Kursi un apmācība SIA „Valtera protēžu laboratorija” veic jauno speciālistu apmācību. Ar savu pieredzi un
На основании анализа результатов 117 операций определены оптимальные варианты применения различных по структуре аллотрансплантатов серии Аллоплант для формирования опорно-двигательной культи после удаления глаза.
Разработана тактика оперативных вмешательств, при создании культи для ношения протеза в зависимости от анатомических особенностей положения здорового глаза в орбите и исходного состояния удаляемого глаза.
The tear liquid should moisten the PMMA eye prosthesis during its exploitation. This could be disturbed by sun ultraviolet, strong radiation destroying molecular couples of the PMMA [1, 3, 5, 6]. Currently there are not experimental data on the soft Sun UV influence on PMMA wettability properties. The article is targeted to explore influence of the simulating sun UV radiation on the PMMA wettability. The latter could be influenced because of the chemical alteration induced by UV [1, 3, 5, 6] or just because of the escaping electrons from the surface layer (photoemission). As the result the surface should acquire an electrical charge. To verify this, the electron work function of the radiated specimens as measured. Disturbance/damage/reconstruction of chemical couples at the PMMA surface could have a negative influence on the cell behaviour. Taking this into account, the viability of the yeast eukaryotic cells deposited on the radiated specimens as tested too.
Poly-methyl metha acrylate material (PMMA) is widely used for eye prostheses. The tear liquid should moisten the PMMA eye prosthesis during its exploitation. This could be disturbed by sun ultraviolet radiation destroying molecular couples of the PMMA [1, 3, 4, 5]. Currently there are not experimental data on the soft Sun UV influence on PMMA surface wettability properties. The latter could be influenced because of the PMMA chemical couples alteration [1, 3, 4, 5] and/or surface charging because of photo electron emission.
PMMA, wettability, ultraviolet radiation, Sun radiation, eye prosthetics, surface charge, electron work, absorption, surface electrical potential. Poly methyl metha acrylate (PMMA) is widely in use for eye prostheses and contact lenses. The latter is under ultraviolet radiation of Sun. Therefore the PMMA properties could be influenced and bring the patient to discomfort, because of polymer surface wettability alteration. The latter is under the focus of the present research. Wettability and electron work experiments show similar tendencies, also high correlation has been found between electron work function and absorption minimum area. More interestingly – surface electrical potential depended on exposure under light.
ZINĀTNISKĀ DARBĪBA Kursi un apmācība SIA „Valtera protēžu laboratorija” veic jauno speciālistu apmācību. Ar savu pieredzi un
ZINĀTNISKĀ DARBĪBA Artificial Eyes-Motility Improvement by Use of Muscular-Scleral Fixation to the Hydroxyapatitesilicone Orbital Implants. First Results
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